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Visitas privadas



Private/Off-site visits may be scheduled contingent upon our availability and at the discretion of the Program Director.


ABC maintains the right to have uniformed security present at the expense of the Visiting Party for private visits if the ProgramDirector deems it necessary.The Residential Party(RP) or their designee is required to arrive no earlier than the scheduled time the visit is to begin or end. Neither the RP nor their designee is allowed to remain on the premises, remain in the parking lot, or remain on the streets bordering either location during the visitation period or prior to the time the visit is scheduled to begin and end. The RP or their designee will drop off or pick up their children and immediately leave the location. A fine will be assessed to the RP for non-compliance.


Note: A $50.00 late fee is assessed if drop off or pick up is more than 15 minutes past the beginning and ending of the visit as per our Fee Schedule. If VP calls with a valid reason (determined by the Visit Manager) for being late, we ask that you wait 15 minutes after the scheduled time of the visit for them to arrive.The VisitingParty (VP) is required to arrive 30 minutes prior to the scheduled time the visitation is scheduled to begin. The VP will remain in the visitation area until the child(ren) and RP have left the premises or when released to leave by ABC staff. If the VP is being dropped off and/or picked up by someone else, this person cannot remain on the premises, remain in the parking lot, or remain on the streets bordering either location during the visitation period or prior to the time the visit is scheduled to begin and end. Additionally, this person cannot come into the building at the end of visitation. The VP will be released at their designated time to go out to their vehicles and/or rides. Private/Off-site visits cannot be conducted until both parties have signed the Private/Off-site Visit Contract.


Note: If the  VP has not signed in by the scheduled time or has not called with a valid reason for being late, the visit will be documented as a NoCall/No Show and will not take place. The VP will be required to pay the invoiced No Call/No Show fee. If the VP calls with a valid reason (determined by the Visit Manager) for being late, we may allow the VP to arrive no later than 15 minutes past the scheduled start time.



©2021 por Access Builds Children, Inc.

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